Spring Fling Special! This is the Roll 2 DVD

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Spring Fling Special! This is the Roll 2 DVD

Spring Fling Special!  This is the Roll 2 DVD
Spring Fling Special!  This is the Roll 2 DVD

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Spring Fling Special! This is the Roll 2 DVD

"They de-mystify the advanced rolls, making them within reach of anyone with the persistence and determination to try." Greg Stamer
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Categories: DVD, Kayak Ways Gear
Manufacturer: Cackle TV
  • Description

Five years in the making, This is the Roll 2 brings you expert instruction on 22 Greenland-style rolls. From the Butterfly and Armpit Rolls, we progress to norsaq rolls, and culminate with forward finishing hand rolls, the Straight Jacket and sculling rolls. Each roll is clearly demonstrated with underwater footage, multiple angles, detailed analysis and easy-to-follow learning progressions. Troubleshooting chapters show students making common mistakes and instruction on how to solve these issues. Euroblade chapters highlight the differences associated with using a feathered blade.