Visiting the Reed Factory
Fighting off the Chill with Reed Chillcheater: our factory visit with Chris Reed and Company.
We had a lovely visit to the Reed Chillcheater factory in May 2013. We chatted with Chris Reed and the folks in the office that do such a fab job of getting our orders out to clients in a timely fashion. It was a pleasure visiting with them!

The following are some shots taken by Duncan Smith, showing Reed Chillcheater gear in action! Duncan wrote about our weekend together in his Blog.

It was a fairly chilly weekend, with rain and wind attempting to steal our body heat. Here is Jackie, wearing her tuiliq for the first time and still sorting out the fashion side of things.
We attempted to cover every available piece of skin, both ours and our clients, in Aquatherm!
Here are a couple of our favorite Reed items -
The Reed Chillcheater Tuiliq
The Reed tuiliq is like having a paddle jacket, spray skirt and hood all rolled into one!
It is made of Chillcheater® aquatherm fabric, which provides a thermal barrier similar to a traditional wetsuit. It is lighter, more flexible and easier to get on and off than neoprene. The smooth polyurethane outer surface sheds water incredibly quickly, minimizing the effects of windchill. The matte black finish also maximizes heat absorption from the sun and coupled with body heat maintains a thin layer of warm water between your skin and the fabric. Ultra lightweight and fast-drying, it packs up small for traveling and is more flexible than a traditional wetsuit, and it's easy to wear a PFD over it. Stretchy, tough fabric is 20 times more abrasion resistant than neoprene. The tuiliq comes in both ocean cockpit and keyhole versions.

Transpire Fleece
The perfect thing to put under your drysuit: sweat-wicking fleece in a super-stretchy, thermal material. Reed currently offers it in a long-sleeved top, a short-sleeved top, long bottoms, shorts and a hat.